How we began . . .

In 1939 the Columbiettes were started by Msgr. J. Francis
McIntyre (later Cardinal) who conceived an idea of a ladies
organization to work with the Knights of Columbus.
John Leo Coyle, PFN and Charles Maruca, PGK who were both
attorneys were appointed to formulate a plan for this future group of Catholic Women. The Knights enlisted the aid of the
Honorable Margaret Mary J. Mangan, and attorney, who was the second woman to sit as a judge on the New York State Supreme Court.

Judge Mangan was elected the first President of the Supreme Council of Columbiettes. She was a woman of greatness and humility and was dedicated to the Columbiettes. The Columbiettes were always dear to her hear and she brought
honor and glory to the Coumbiettes in all aspects of her career as a state Supreme Court Justice and a Catholic woman.

The Columbiettes, following the example of their founders, dedicate themselves to do Gods work on earth promoting unity, Christs love for each of us and zeal to serve God through Faith, Hope and Charity.